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December Holiday Assembly

Age Appropriate


High Energy



Our assembly is presented as a gift from the PTA –  
     The assembly is filled with: 
        -  message songs  (of kindness, anti-bullying/respect) 
        -  generic holiday songs, DANCING, Group singing and more…  It’s festive… BUT it’s Music with a Message!

  Hip Pickles Presents


    Our Assembly is a fun Character Building Assembly that
                              highlights the spirit of the Holiday Season    

  1. Bullet     Acts of Kindness

  2. Bullet    Where to look for opportunities to help others

  3. Bullet     The joy of  giving to others.  (charities, gifting, giving our time to others)

  4. Bullet     The Golden Rule  - Treat People the way you would like to be treated 

  5. Bullet     Respect for our cultural diversity.




                      call for more details

Copyright 2013 The Hip Pickles. All rights reserved.